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Support Chaparral

Our Parents are Important

Chaparral Middle School needs the strong support of our parents and community to be truly successful.  There are many ways to become involved, and it's not just about fundraising . . . although that is important, too. 

You are a vital part of our school community.

Clip the  Box Tops for Education coupons from grocery items you have purchased and send them in to school with your child.  Each coupon earns us 10¢.  That doesn't sound like much but it really adds up over time!


Other great (and painless) ways to support CMS that our PTSA encourages are:  Amazon Smile and ShoparooRemember to designate Chaparral.

Take advantage of eScrip and rewards programs at our local markets as an easy way to benefit the school and our PTSA.

A message to parents from our PTSA Board:

With the Fall season here, it is time to update (or add) your eScripaccount for Vons and Fresh and Easy.  Ralphs is done separately on their website.  Here are some easy steps to make your updates and help get money for Chaparral Middle School!  This is free money we can be earning for our school while doing your normal shopping.  Please register for Chaparral Middle School PTSA.

 eScrip/Rewards instructions (pdf)


How You Can Help Your Student

Help ensure your child's academic success by taking an active interest in his/her progress:

  •  Check Q (using your Parent Connection log in) to monitor your student's assignments, grades, attendance, etc.
  • Check the agenda book periodically and at least once a week ask for those handouts that are buried in the bottom of the backpack
  • Keep track of grading periods (check the agenda book, newsletter, or website) and review the progress reports and report cards with your student
  • Contact the school and teachers when you have a concern - email is an excellent way to communicate with teachers

Become Involved

There are many ways parents can become more involved in our school community.

  • Join PTSA and volunteer to help in ways that fit your schedule
  • Attend our special school events (Back-to-School Night, concerts, Showcase of the Stars)
  • Participate in School Site Council (it now meets only 3 time per year)
  • Become a Copy Mom (or Dad) if you are available during the day or donate copy paper or other school supplies (more information)
  • Help us support the larger community: ASB's annual Canned Food Drive and their Support the Troops Drive

Fundraising has Become a Fact of Life

Find ways to support our school that work with your budget (some won't cost you anything!)

  • Support our annual school-wide Step It Up Fall fundraiser
  • Support our Music Program Fundraisers:  Annual Rock-a-Thon, Restaurant Nights, Holiday Greens and Poinsettia sales, Chorus T-shirt/sweatshirt sales, etc.
  • Support our annual 8th Grade Awards Dinner:  support both the silent and live auctions
  • Bring in your Boxtops for Education 

We can't do it

without you ! ! !